Introduction to Music Video: Blog tasks

 1) What are the key conventions of music video?

 movement ,performance element , visual effects  

2) What is intertextuality?

 when one media text references to another

3) When did music videos first become a major part of the music industry?

as back ten there was only 4 chanels to watch and there is more options for audience 

4) What launched in 1981 and why were music videos an important part of the music industry in the 1980s and 1990s?

because thats when music and video was introduced so its a combinations with music bands  it is something new and unique so it got others attention  because back in the day there was no social media so they had to go out and buy it as a cd

5) How do audiences tend to access and watch music videos today?

they acces it by social media and new devices on yt, and other streaming software by following artist on social media with verifications and able to see what they post and produce 


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