Television CSP- His Dark Materials - Language and Representation.


Costume - what is Lyra wearing in the photo below? What does this costume suggest she is doing / she is like as a character?

The costume suggests she isnt a conventional girl because she doesn't fit the women scenario. She has a sleeping bag on the back of her bag to show she is adventurous and ready for wild life.

 2)Costume: Mrs Coulter is always very smart and formal with red lips and styled hair. What does this suggest about the type of villain she is / her character?

She is shown as a smart and formal character and is careless and subversive because she wanted to kill a priest however she is also aware of her surrounding and care about her appearance

3)Lighting- What do you notice about the setting for where Mrs Coulter is torturing the witch? Why has the director chosen this lighting? (Hint: High key lighting is bright and low key lighting is dark).

I can infer that the chosen the low dark lighting to show she is lowkey and mysterious.up to something evil & secretive.  


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