Walk and Talk Mock


one media test refers to another media text when doctor when doctor who appears in class


we could apply props narrative theory which states there are all types of characters .April is a hero because she defends her mum and gets a sword out almost killing the dad even though she is taken over and controlled she is still viewed as princess because when she gained some consciousness she had some sympathy and decided not to kill the dad .Her attacking her dad is subversive because she is presented as a weak typical girl. Even though she attacked her dad she wasn't conscious of her actions .She is also as a villain because she had swords to kill her dad at a high angle to low angle to show she is in power .Ram is presented as a hero because he stops April from killing her dad and helps her realise and take control.

Todorov is presented as a villain because he is shown as a conventional because he is shown as dark and doom  when kills the other monster with no regrets or 2nd thoughts 


young people enjoy this narrative because April is presents as this is conventional and enjoy this part because teenagers have more power in this clip and usually cant make decisions. also the relationship with her dad because she stood up for herself young teenage girls look up to April and shown as a 'geek' but physically powerful this is subversive because girls aren't normally presented  as stronger than men proof for this is (mise-en-scene) camera shot April is higher than her dad a low shot from the dads perspective this shows April is holding power .Effect on audience this will influence them because they wanna be strong and forceful like April.

young teenagers enjoy science fiction because it provides them with escapism from their from their lives its because its about new innovation and futuristic weapons and aliens from other planets .One science fiction point in this is when the dad says "there is something wrong with our daughter ".Another is when Aprils  eyes flash orange this shows she is  getting taken away by the alien and uncontrolled of her actions and 2 swords appear in her hand young audience enjoy this because they find violence interesting and much more amusing also the 'alien petals' in the back foreshadows something bad is about to happen .


I believe that social,historical,cultural environment definitely do affect the way T.V shows are made  because science fiction genre was new in 1963 and technology was limited and only presented as black and white on low quality devices.In addition representation of women was boring and less powerful and there was only a white cast 

in 1963 doctor who Susan subverts the stereotype of teenagers  as she is socially awkward and she is smarter than her teachers and is knowledgeable and well knowing.However in class April is a confident typical teenage .In doctor who culturally all British white cast . however in class it is a lot more diverse  as it has cast representing BAME community. Historically in doctor who space race USSR and USA competing to land on the moon because in the 1960 it was mind blowing for the fan base of doctor who because it is out side of the earth and somewhere they have never seen before and time travelling and wasn't as much much channels to pick from. On the other hand historically times changed and the roles of stereotypes are reversed and now futuristic and weapons        


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