Stranger things hw


1) What do each of the letters in CLAMPS stand for?
costumes, lighting, action, make up, props, setting

2) What TV genre is Stranger Things? You can use the IMDB website to help you with this. 
stranger things genre is horror and drama 

3) Choose THREE aspects of mise-en-scene (e.g. costume, lighting, setting) and write a short paragraph for each about the denotation and connotation in the opening 8 minutes of Stranger Things. What is being communicated to the audience? How does the mise-en-scene help to communicate the genre of Stranger Things?

setting, costume,lighting,action

DENOTATION: in this 8 minute shows that there was something wrong that is going on in the hallway at the start of the video because the lights are twitching and going on and off . At the start of the video i can see a scientist because of his costume and we can tell that he is terrified because is he is running and breathing heavily with a worried face. We can tell that their not poor or rich because they are wearing normal teen ager clothes. we can tell that their good friends because they must trust each others houses.

CONITATION:in this 8 minute shows that that their close friend because they are planning on what they're gonna do in the future. I can tell that they are good friends because he doesn't get mad when the other one cheated while racing in the dark on the street. i can tell that the kid at 4:39 is the nice kid because he told them the truth about the correct number he got on the other hand the other kids lied to him. I can tell he is a adventurous and is a risk taker from his costume 

Stranger things communicates with the audience by showing that there is a monster and that they are close friends and gonna stick together and have some form of trust going on in their friendship too.


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