Blogger task annotation a movie cover
LANGAUGE: 'it' is a movie that was released on September 8th it dose not show enough about the boys identity or the the clowns identity by we can tell that 'it' is trying to hunt the boy down from the evil and mysterious look on his face looking down at the little boy and this shows that there is a lot to explore because it shows him behind a black background and more behind that to discover this will make the audience more curios and interested into finding out more. the creature giving the little boy something/ balloon to make him trust him REPRESENTATION: This suggest that this is a horror movie from the evil color's known to be used in the cover of a horror movie which is red and black this is conventional because red also stands for blood in horror movies that means that there is going to be violent scenes including maybe murder AUDIENCE: This is targeted at the ages 18+ of mixed genders (although perhaps more men) or maybe even 16 because it has chi...